Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The films Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The movies Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2 - Essay Example Busy time †The Scene When Carter and Lee Meet just because The main scene that will be analyzed will be the scene in Rush Hour, where Jackie Chan’s character, Chief Inspector Lee, is getting off the plane to meet Carter, played by Chris Tucker, for the absolute first time. The scene opens with an overhead shot of Carter sitting on the top of a dark vehicle, with the words â€Å"Snake Boss 24† overlaid on the scene in enormous red letters. The scene at that point slices to a medium shot of a plane that is coming in on the runway. At that point, a medium shot of Carter, in a full length body shot, as he checks his watch. After this shot is a since a long time ago shot of a similar plane that was appeared in the absolute previously shot, however, this time, the plane is shot through a window sheet, and the plane is seen down underneath. The words â€Å"is back with† is overlaid on the window sheet, in red, in a similar composition as â€Å"Snake Boss 24† as the plane coming in on a since a long time ago shot on the o pposite side of the window sheet. These three shots are altered and cut with the goal that they are extremely near one another †the first shot of the plane, which was the medium shot, was around seven seconds in length, the shot of Carter checking his watch was around three seconds in length, and the since a long time ago shot of the plane was additionally around seven seconds in length. ... The following shot is a nearby of Inspector Lee, as he glances around, with the words â€Å"Rush Hour† overlaid on that gave, at that point a medium shot of Lee as he dives the steps. At the point when he gets to the base of the steps, the camera slices promptly to Carter, in a medium shot, as he is strolling towards Lee. The shot of Carter strolling towards Lee is around three seconds in length. The shot after the shot of Carter strolling towards Lee, is another medium shot of Lee, who is looking towards Carter, at that point goes to a lady close to him and speaks Chinese. During this whole succession, there is no talking, until Lee welcomes the Chinese lady close to him †rather, there is music that sounds Chinese. The pacing of this arrangement is very quick, as there is removing to show various pieces of the shot †the plane, Carter, the plane, Carter, and the plane. After Carter arrives at Lee, the primary discourse is spoken in the scene, while a low register gui tar plays out of sight. At the point when Carter first arrives at Lee, he is shot from the back, at that point the camera promptly slices to a nearby of Carter’s face, and now Lee is being shot from the back. This shot switches back and forth between a nearby of Carter, as he is conversing with Lee, imagining that Lee doesn’t communicate in English, and a nearby of Lee’s face, which first looks puzzled, at that point he is grinning, at that point back to Carter close up, at that point back to Lee closeup, at that point a medium shot of them two as Carter is turning towards the camera. The camera is of the two men in a medium shot, from the midsection up, as Carter discusses how he can’t accept that he stalled out with this task. This shot, where Carter is confronting the camera and conversing with himself is the slowest shot of the grouping, as this shot is around 12 seconds in length.

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